When you think about Harry Potter, what do you think of first? Which aspects of Harry Potter are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.
Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to Harry Potter than you may have first thought.
Harry Potter is a series of novels that fall under the genre of fantasy by a renowned English author, J.K. Rowling. The story revolves around the protagonist, Harry Potter (an adolescent boy) and his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The Harry Potter stories are set in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry, which is a school that is only meant for young wizards and witches and the plot of the novel primarily focuses on the battle or the fight of Harry Potter with Lord Voldermort (an evil wizard) and it is Lord Voldermort, who is responsible for the death of Harry’s parents and the motif behind this killing was to take full control over the world of wizardry. The site harrypottersl.com gives also an idea about the Harry Potter novels that have been published.
The first book of the Harry Potter series, that is the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s Stone, which was published in 1997 created a great impact on the adults as well as the children and made the whole nation crazy about Harry Potter and the tremendous success of this first novel continued with the release of the other Harry Potter Novels and the last novel released, was the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007, 21st July).
Five movies of Harry Potter have been released till date and the first movie that was released was the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and it was released on the 16th of November in the year 2001 and the last movie that has been released is the Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and the World Premier of this movie took place in the year 2007 on 11th July and all the Harry Potter movies were box office hits.
J. K. Rowling—the author
The intellectuals all over the world agree on the idea that when writing a novel a writer should create living people and not characters. J. K. Rowling seemed to have agreed with that idea and has curbed herself into making her characters lively. J. K. Rowling—the author is now one of the most accomplished writers still present in the contemporary world. Much of the reputation of the author lies on her series of Harry Potter books penned down. Those who are in search of some finest works on fantasy must go through the books written by this extremely talented author. The emergence of such authors has always brightened the prospect of the literary world.
Joanne Murray, who was born on 31 July 1965, is better known by her pen name J. K. Rowling. This British author of the Harry Potter series is the holder of a worldwide fame. The wonderful skill of characterization and intense plot construction is the common feature of J.K. Rowling’s writing which has been admired by the readers all over the world. All the fame and popularity of Harry Potter can be attributed to the sheer talent of J. K. Rowling—the author. This British Lady is responsible for creating a revolution in the field of fantasy novels. Those who have the urge to know more on the prevailing sorcery in the world will be impressed to find such a detailed description and prolific work of the author.
The conflict between Harry and the dark evil is the perennial theme of her mostly demanded Harry series. She has been able to depict Harry Potter as an epitome of everything that is good in earth and also ignites the young minds with the idea of fighting against the evil. The widespread reputation of J. K. Rowling—the author has made Rowling the highest-earning novelist in history. The excellent portrayal of a child’s adventure is not to be missed in her writing. Rowling has admitted the fact that many of the characters in Harry Potter was inspired by the characters whom she encountered in her real life. The stories and the adventures which she penned down were accepted by the people of all ages. Her Story telling capabilities and the mingling of age old beliefs in a modern setting is worth admiring.
This gifted author of Harry Porter is known worldwide as a creator of such a strong character of Harry Potter. The glory of these reached to such heights that they were made into a series of motion pictures by Warner Bros. besides getting multiple awards; she was noted as one of the most powerful celebrities. Her contribution in keeping the children focused in their reading habit cannot be denied. Her role as a notable philanthropist is surely worth admiring, supporting charitable organizations like Comic Relief, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and One Parent Families. J. K. Rowling—the author will be ever remembered by not only as a famous author but also because of her humane and suave nature.
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about Harry Potter.